This week we will travel through the history of Punk music. From old-school to newer stuff. Eddie, the seldom seen fellow, has designed this weeks mix between a store room and a dirty garage. The contest is "BEST IN PUNK" clothes. DJ WeatherWax has his spikey fur on and even takes requests as usual.:) Kicki, our sweet dancer is here aswell. We start headbanging at 21:00/12pm Welcome!:)
I am really hesitating about Earth Hour. It's known to be a global energy saving event. The whole world will switch off the light at the same time and turn it on again after 60 minutes..Gooosh what an energy consumption it will be then. Mother Earth surely will suffer from respiratory distress that moment.^-^ It must be way better to encourage ppl to always save energy instead. To temporary switch off the light in rooms you not use at the moment. Everyday....always... Stupid event.....
Jag fick en tp av Stella ikväll. :) Det visade sig vara en smygpremiär av en reopening av den legendariska nattklubben EARTH! DJ Jazon har hyrt en bit land av Peppe och Rultan på deras halva av Yadkin Valley och återuppbyggt Second Sweden-versionen av klubben. Verkligen kul initiativ av Jazon! Det blev en liten kortkort pratstund med Jazon. Han berättade att det ännu inte kommer att bli några fasta dagar för Earth. Och att han hållit på med bygget ett tag nu; det blev kanonbra! Härliga lasereffekter och coola danser i dansmaskinen. Dessutom den som alltid proffsiga mixningen av låtarna. Officiell premiär utlovas inom kort! :)
I'ts always fun to read people's profiles. :) The creativity is high sometimes, and you can find info and pics, not seen anywhere else. I like this's my kind of dry humour..:D
I'm not usually into hunts. My patience doesn't allow those kind of adventures, but this one looks kinda both funny and furry..:) I might try and get something from it. When I clicked on the sign, I got this Notecard:
Welcome to the Cover My Furry Butt Hunt!!
This is a themed hunt for furries but you don't have to be one to play! Many designers will be giving away items that can be used for humans and furries, so grab the starting point below and join us for lots of fun!
Join the Cover My Furry Butt! group for help! Copy and paste the address below in your chat bar to join! secondlife:///app/group/560ad49a-4d1d-9a92-9056-7b09fc7565f8/about
Head over to the CMFB Hunt website for a list of clues, if the shops are willing to provide you with one, and the full list of shops!
Lets have lots of fun!
Thanks! Cover My Furry Butt! Viticus and Alurya Goff
Aww I just got this little film from Ikaros. It's made by lovely Aallotar, and a presentation and description of his gorgeous sim Silent Night. This sim is lively, warm and actually has a soul. THAT's what make people wanna live and stay there. Good work Ikaros, Estate manager and Kaja Lurra, designer of Silent Night <3<3<3
E.T phone home? Noo, it's just MB having a SPACE theme! :D I don't know what planet we might be on tonight so you can dress in various theme related creations. Aliens, space men, E.T, astronauts, you name it! The beginning price money is shown in the can be more during the evening ;) We have the almighty DJ WeatherWax and we have princess Lei....sorry Kicki on the dancing pole!
The attached Slurl tomorrow will beam you right up to MB, Scotty! ;)
I have searched for this shop since it moved from the japanese sim Themis Island. They have a lot of good stuff for your garden, and something for the younger one's too:) I can't mention it all here, you have to see it! :) And it's cheap and well made as always.
I was at Connemara Hills yesterday and enjoyed their celebration of S:t Patricks day. A very good and nice surprice was the DJ..It was sweet Rultan Zeplin! It was her very first DJing session, with voice presentation too! I feel warm inside when I think of all the good stuff that women can create in SL. Like rl, it can be a man's world even in the virtual worlds. And every time we create something good, it transforms to music in our hearts. We have a few awesome female DJ's in SL, and Rultan is definately one of them! I support the good ones. Not those who is boasting and spamming in groupchats about their events. It have to come natural. I'm looking forward to hear you again, Rultan. Thanks for a great evening!:)
Thanks also to the Connemara team. You really rock! Hugs!
As many as you know, MB has a little "sidebar"(hehe)called The Green Room. Not always on duty, not always mentioned, but I think we can start it up on regular basis now. Sooo, wednesdays are DJ WeatherWax's Requestday! :) The cool cat plays your favourite tunes! No theme, no contest, just relaxing dancing and nice chatting... SLurl is coming later today:) See you;)
Den här veckan har vi förvandlat en "platt plattform" till en vacker celtisk skogsglänta. Det arbetet är designat vår DJ och underbare dansare Sirhc deSantis! Vi tävlar i BEST IN CELTIC CLOTHES, och vi kanske har en liten extra överraskning under kvällen. ;) Fina dansaren Kicki är här också. Alla välkomna från kl. 21:00
This week we have transformed a plain platform into a gorgeous celtic forest glade. That work is designed our DJ and awesome dancer Sirhc deSantis! We compete in BEST CELTIC CLOTHES, and we may have a little extra surprise during the evening. ;) Lovely dancer Kicki is here too. All welcome from 21:00
I rarely watch TV anymore. I no longer need that form of media. We have many different ways to access the tv channels we wish to see. The most common newspapers can be read online. And I'm very happy that my TV is off when they show song contests and other "musical" stuff. It's too easy too call someone an "artist" or "singer" nowadays. People don't care if there is any talent, they only see the "hip" part of being famous. Young "artist" reach diva status after 15 minutes in the spotlight. But they forget about one thing...the work behind it. Ok, many performers do a very good job, but the real star isn't born until they have travelled shitloads of boring roads, carried tons of technical equipment, puked in the dressing room, due to pure stage fright, and have had weeks of rehearsals. And besides that...the music was better back in the day. Just listen to Stevie Wonder. Good musicians never go out of date and will never be forgotten....:)
(I want to clearify that I mean contests like Eurovision song contest, Idol,and other programs for "talents" in the TV media.)
It's 03:20 on the sunday morning and I have just logged out from the "awesomest" and longest MB evening this year so far. Veronica Franze did a great set, followed by the DJ's WeatherWax and Ikaros, with 2 hours each of great music! Many friends came and left during the event. I lost count but surely more that 50 in total..Thanks, you were all wonderful! <3 See you on monday;)
Ohh nooo...I just got thrown out and got this message when I tried to log in again.. A big inventory server maintenance is announced..and I got worried.. Will inventory load properly after this? Ugly Ruth-shapes with no chance to reach my clothing? Well I better log in to RL for a moment. Hope their servers are running smoothly at least ;);)
Vi är enormt stolta att kunna presentera ännu en kväll med Veronica, denna gång på Måndagsbörsen! FAST OBSERVERA DAGEN---det blir på en lördag denna gång! :)Kl. 22:00 Mer info om henne hittar du här:
Just want to remind you that the exhibition "The ages of the Grammophone" at MB continues. You can see it until thursday (the 10th) this week. I've had a lot of research and have found many interesting facts. It's amazing to know that the technical evolution has been very fast. 150 years from the first recorded sounds, to the ultra-high quality equipment we have today.
Den här veckan pågår en utställning på MB. "Grammofonen genom tiderna". Från första vaxrullen till mp.4....många olika modeller finns uppställda runt den gigantiska grammofonen som är vårat dansgolv för kvällen. Kl.21 börjar DJ Sirhc ge smakprov på vad man har lyssnat på genom tiderna. Tävlingen handlar, liksom vinylens färg, om svart. Alltså BEST IN BLACK OUTFIT...
Har du varit på D-LAB's affär på 6pi-simmen? Dom har underbara animerade djur och även en del annat. På en liten bakgata fann jag massor av ekologiska, egenproducerade matvaror och drycker. Mjölk, ost, vin och bröd-butiker med trevliga priser. Hmm uppenbarligen behöver man inte ha rätta åldern inne för att köpa sig en flaska vin här....
Have you ever been at D-LAB's shop at the sim 6pi? They have awesome animated animals and some other stuff too. On a little street behind the shop, I found lots of ecological, self produced food and beverage. Milk, cheese, wine and bread-shops with nice prices. Hmm appearently you dont have to be age verified to buy a bottle of wine here....
Today it's the great swedish singer/songwriter Wildstar Writers 4th rezzday! On saturday you will hear him at Silent Night. A music evening, hosted by Ikaros String! Have a fabulous day, Wild! :) Hugs!