tisdag 24 april 2012

Bara Jonson--TV2 ikväll(repris)!

Det kom ett meddelande i Bara-gruppen nyss...Har du inte sett programmet än, gör det:) It's Love!

For those of you "lucky" enuff able to tune in Swedish TV channel SVT2 the the american HBO special featuring my SL/RL life (well parts of it ;) ) will be shown again today at 18.00 local time (CET). and tomorrow wednesday and again thursday. (Tema: Internet)
Its the Oscar nominated director Robert Kenner who came to Sweden to document the Bara Jonson's story ;)
Here's the link to my love song to my son, Kris: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjdzP4qyEh8
Help me get over 1000 views ;)

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